O’Malley outlines plans to rebuild Social Security Administration workforce
After a hiring freeze, Commissioner Martin O’Malley is readying plans to rebuild the Social Security Administration workforce as quickly as possible.
After a hiring freeze, Commissioner Martin O’Malley is readying plans to rebuild the Social Security Administration workforce as quickly as possible.
The Social Security Administration overpaid about 2 million beneficiaries over the past two years, and is telling lawmakers that more staffing is needed…
Andre Mendes, the chief information officer at the Department of Commerce, was one of several agency technology executives pushing for more consistency…
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is on the Government Accountability Office’s High Risk List. It is there primarily because of its long-term fiscal uncertainty and questions about whether, in the long run, it can pay the benefits it owes retired Americans. But SSA also has an other internal management problem, stemming from its Office of Inspector General.