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The Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision have for decades limited Social Security payments available to certain federal employees. Mainly those under the old Civil Service Retirement System, and anyone else who receives a pension from earnings that were not taxed by Social Security. A bill to repeal GPO and WEP had a congressional hearing last month — a field hearing in Louisiana. John Hatton, NARFE’s vice president for policy and programs John Hatton, offers some analysis.
And, the 2024 federal pay raise could become official any day now. President Biden is expected to give feds on the General Schedule an average 5.2% boost to their paychecks starting in January. But that’s not the only change to federal pay coming in 2024. There’s also the issue of what nobody can quite ever figure out, locality pay. Federal News Network’s Drew Friedman breaks down the details.
Finally, an excerpt from an interview with Presidential Rank Award recipient Tim Curry, the deputy associate director for accountability and workforce relations at the Office of Personnel Management.